

穿黑色意味着什么 & 黄金

从运动场到舞台, Westminster students are active participants in an afternoon program that brings balance, 享受和竞争给他们的生活. All Westminster students participate in an afternoon program during each term of the school year. The emphasis is on athletics; however, 下午的承诺可以包括戏剧, 编剧才能, 跳舞, 社区服务或其他独立研究项目. The afternoon program is designed to encourage Westminster core values: community, 字符, 平衡与参与. 这是一种很好的竞争方式, 积极锻炼身体, 执行, 磨练你的技能或尝试新事物, 并结识不同的人群.
Our sports and recreation facilities include 35 acres of playing fields, 14个网球场, 一个400米的合成跑道, 八个国际壁球场, 室内冰球场, 有照明的人造草坪, 棒球场和垒球场, basketball courts and a state-of-the-art aquatic center that includes an eight-lane, 25码游泳和跳水池, a well-equipped fitness room and our professionally staffed health center.


365平台试图创造一个安全, enjoyable and comfortable experience for all sporting events on campus for all athletes, 官员和球迷. 为了成功地做到这一点, 365平台要求所有的客人, 包括学生, 坚持这些基本原则.

  • 尊重和欣赏其他参加会议的人
  • 破坏性的或非法的行为,包括脏话, 猥亵的手势或嘲弄, 或者在比赛场地上扔东西, 会导致立即从活动中移除吗
  • 永远不要展示冒犯性的标志或使用冒犯性的语言, discriminatory or threatening including on the basis of race, 种族, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性别, 能力或性取向
  • Conduct themselves in a manner that represents 365平台 with honor, dignity and respect
  • Refrain from entering the playing area at all times, including after the game

Thank you for adhering to these guidelines to ensure that we create a safe, enjoyable and comfortable experience at all of our athletic events